
Symposium Date: 14 -15 -16 June 2021

Organizing Committee: Assoc. Prof. Dr. Fevzi Kasap, Faculty Member Dr. Zuhal Çetin Özkan, Assist. Prof. Dr. Mustafa Ufuk Çelik, Assist. Prof. Dr. Ayhan Dolunay


  • Cultural Language and Expression in the Turkish Cinema World
  • Positive / Negative Contribution of Cinema to Cultural Transformation
  • Countries and Cultures; Cinematic Projection
  • Cinema - Urban Culture Relationship
  • Cinematic Problems within the Scope of the Turkic World Countries
  • Subculture, Migration Themed Movies and Problems in the Turkic World Cinema

Writing rules
Times New Roman font should be used in articles and book reviews to be sent to the journal.

The main title font size must be bold 16 in Turkish and 14 in English; "Abstract" titles must be in 12 font size and bold; abstract must be in 12 font size. The main text should be written in 10 font size and justified from both sides.

Basic titles must be in all capital letters and bold; subtitles must be given with their first letters capitalized, and the subsequent subtitles must be written with only the first letter capitalized and italicized. Subtitles can be used as desired. Font size of all titles must be 12.

The article should include the introduction, main text, and conclusion sections. 3-6 keywords should be given for the study.

3 spaces from left and top; 2.5 spaces from the right and bottom must be left.

International Journal of Art, Culture and Communication adopts both methods of citation, with or without footnotes.

Citation without footnote; Authors who want to cite in the paragraph should use the APA format, which is widely used in social sciences. For detailed information about this method, you can apply to

Referencing with footnotes; It is essential to comply with generally accepted terms, conditions and rules in academic terms regarding footnote citation.