1st International Cinema Symposium 14-15-16 June 2021
Near East University Faculty of Communication/Communication Research Center (İLAM) TRNC

Dear Scientists, Academicians, Stakeholders in the Field of Communication, Artists and Researchers,

The International Cinema Symposium will be held online due to the adverse conditions caused by Covid 19 pandemic in cooperation with the Faculty of Communication of the Near East University and the Communication Research Center (İLAM) between 14-16 June 2021.

The symposium is supported by the Turkish World Documentary Film Festival and Turkic World Culture, Art and Cinema Foundation.

The purpose of the symposium is to approach and discuss the relations between Society, Culture and Cinema from an academic and artistic perspective, and to reveal new directions. In this respect, it is aimed to create the necessary cooperation in order to transfer and discuss issues in Social Sciences and artistic knowledge and to put the suggestions into practice. Cinema is regarded as the most important branch of art that contributes to social change as it is a mass art branch as well as being affected by social variables and transformations. In the digitalized life, the effects of the art of cinema are increasing day by day. Based on this important focal point, the subject of the symposium has been determined as "Society, Culture, Cinema".

The organizing committee that set out in line with this goal has also managed to get the support of many universities in terms of the goal of putting the discussion topics on the academic platform as well as getting into collaboration with many stakeholders who contribute to the cinema. Although the symposium is in its first year, apart from the universities of the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus, it is supported by distinguished universities of many countries such as Turkey, Macedonia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, Kosovo, Kazakhstan and Uzbekistan.

The symposium is open to researchers, academicians, students and artists in all fields of social sciences. In addition to the fact that participation to the symposium is free of charge, free publication will be provided for academicians who fulfil the necessary requirements and wish to publish their works.

The languages to be used in the symposium are Turkey Turkish and English. Detailed information in this issue is provided for the participants in the relevant links.

Universities to Take Part in the Workshop:

  • Near East University (TRNC)
  • University of Kyrenia (TRNC)
  • Ömer Halisdemir Nigde University (Turkey)
  • Gumushane University (Turkey)
  • Yozgat Bozok University (Turkey)
  • Selcuk University (Turkey)
  • Baku State University (Azerbaijan)
  • Azerbaijan State University of Civilization and Fine Arts (Azerbaijan)
  • Kazakhstan National Al Farabi University (Kazakhstan)
  • Kyrgyzstan Turkey Manas University (Kyrgyzstan)
  • Tashkent State Institute of Civilization and Art (Uzbekistan)
  • Fon University (Macedonia)
  • Iliria Kollege (Kosovo)
Our Stakeholders